Ontologies are today a key part of every knowledge based system. They provide a source of shared and precisely defined terms, resulting in system interoperability by knowledge sharing and reuse. Unfortunately, the variety of ways that a domain can be conceptualized results in the creation of different ontologies with contradicting or overlappingparts. Forthisreasonontologiesneedtobebroughtintomutualagreement (aligned). Thusontologymatchingbetweenwordsisausefultechniquefordataintegrationanddatasharing. Twoimportantmethodsforontologymatchingisthecomparison of words using semantic similarity and string distance metrics. In our thesis work, we haveusedalexicaldatabasecalledWordNettofindsemanticsimilaritybetweenwords. StringmetricbasedsimilarityhasbeenfoundoutbyusingJaroWinklerdistanceonthe basis of commonality and differences between two words.
We are thankful to Almighty Allah for his blessings for the successful completion of our thesis. Ourheartiestgratitude,profoundindebtednessanddeeprespectgotooursupervisor, Dr.MuhammadMasroorAli,Professor,DepartmentofComputerScienceandEngineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh, for his constant supervision, affectionate guidance and great encouragement and motivation. His keen interest on the topic and valuable advices throughout the study was of great help in completing thesis.
We are especially grateful to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) for providing their all out support during the thesis work.
Finally, we would like to thank our families and our course mates for their appreciable assistance, patience and suggestions during the course of our thesis.