Protein inference refers assembling peptides identified from tandem mass spectra into a list of proteins. Due to the existence of degenerate peptides, it is very difficult to determine which proteins are present in the sample. This problem is called protein inference problem and it represents a major challenge in shotgun proteomics as well as in proteomics research. Many approaches have been introduced for solving protein inference problem. In this paper, we have combined Bayesian and Meta-heuristic approaches for solving protein inference problem. Meta-heuristic approaches provide a very fast and efficient heuristic search strategy to infer proteins with reasonable accuracy and precision. It provides the flexibility to infer proteins either parsimoniously or optimistically or somewhere between the two by taking some tuning parameters. On the other hand Bayesian model provides a probabilistic model that incorporates the predicted peptide detectabilities as the prior probabilities of peptide identification. We proposeacombinationofthesetwoapproaches. WeshoweditbycombiningMAgPI(A Memetic Algorithm Based Approach in Protein Inference Problem) as Meta-heuristics approach and Gibbs Sampler for protein inferencing as Bayesian approach. In our system,GibbsSamplerisprocessingtheinputofMAgPIandfinallyMAgPIisrefiningthe input. As, our input is going through two refining processes, the final output is better thanothersinseveralaspects. Anotherimportantfactisthatinoursystemcomputation time of MAgPI is less than before as after first stage of refining, the size of candidate solutionbecomesveryshort. WeusedSigma49datasettotestourmethodandgotgood result in several aspects.
We are thankful to Almighty Allah for his blessings for the successful completion of our thesis. Our heartiest gratitude, profound indebtedness and deep respect go to our supervisor, Dr. M. Sohel Rahman, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh, forhisconstantsupervision,affectionateguidanceandgreatencouragementandmotivation. His keen interest on the topic and valuable advices throughout the study was of great help in completing thesis.
WealsoliketothankandexpressoursinceregratitudetoGroupCaptainMd. AfzalHossain, psc, the Head of the department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of Military InstituteofScienceandTechnology(MIST)forprovidingusgreatsupportduringthethesis work.
We are especially grateful to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) for providing their all out support during the thesis work.
We are also thankful to Saikat Chakraborty, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, for his help and guidance.
Finally, we would like to thank our families and our course mates for their appreciable assistance, patience and suggestions during the course of our thesis.