In the digital world, which is currently evolving and changing at such a rapid pace, the security of digital information has become increasingly more important. Due to great development of secret contact and communication in the world, the necessity of communicationsecurityisbecomingmoreandmoresignificant. Cryptographyhasspecific role to protect secret files like secret documents from unauthorized access. Cryptographyalgorithmsareclassifiedintotwotypes,Public-keyproducingandsymmetrickey producing algorithms. In this paper, we suggested a new robust and lightweight cryptographyalgorithmnamedasLWEalgorithmtoincreasesecurityatacheapercost in the Symmetric-key producing algorithm. For writing this paper, we followed the deductive approach that isfirst we studied the existing symmetrickey algorithms, formed a hypotheses, developed this new algorithm, performed experiments on data, analyzed the results and then finally came to the conclusion. Our algorithm has better performance and lower error rate than most other lightweight encryption algorithms and is reliable and valid as the efficiency has been tested on a large scale of data. Our only limitationisthatthisalgorithmiseffectiveforsmallscaledataonly. However,fromthe experimentsdoneandanalysisperformed,itcansafelybesaidthatthisLWEalgorithm will be greatly helpful for individual users and small companies who want to protect their data efficiently at a minimum cost.
We are thankful to Almighty Allah for his blessings for the successful completion of our thesis. Ourheartiestgratitude,profoundindebtednessanddeeprespectgotooursupervisor, Jahidul Arafat, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering(CSE), Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) , Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh., for his constant supervision,affectionateguidanceandgreatencouragementandmotivation. Hiskeeninterest on the topic and valuable advices throughout the study was of great help in completing thesis.
We are especially grateful to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) for providing their all out support during the thesis work.
Finally, we would like to thank our families and our course mates for their appreciable assistance, patience and suggestions during the course of our thesis.