The main purpose of the Semantic Web is driving the evolution of the current Web by enablinguserstofind,share,andcombineinformationmoreeasily. Almostallofouractivities onthewebarelimitedtosearch,integrationanddatamining. Inthecurrentwebitisbothtediousandtimeconsumingtofindanyinformationthatwearelookingfor. Besidesitdoesn’t have any ability to infer anything from available data and make intelligent decision for us. But with the development of semantic web it gets much more efficient and faster to obtain only the required information by ignoring all other unnecessary data. Moreover it understands the meaning of data and can make intelligent decision for us based on the available data to automate the process. But for this automation to take place, first we need to markup the web pages, add some extra information to it, hence create some RDF documents. For creating these RDF documents there are available many tools and software. After creation, these documents need to be validated to make sure that they are indeed error free. Then these documents can be deployed on the web.For the search engine to be able to retrieve them, URL of the container websites must be submitted to it. After a certain period of time searchenginecanindexthedocumentsandtherequireditemscanberetrievedfromtheweb when searched. Here we generate RDF for an educational institution, deploy them on the web and search them with a semantic web search engine. These documents in turn make it possible for the semantic web to retrieve the necessary information more efficiently and speed up the automation process.
We are thankful to Almighty Allah for his blessings for the successful completion of our thesis. Our heartiest gratitude, profound indebtedness and deep respect go to our supervisor Dr. MuhammadMasroorAli,Professor,DepartmentofComputerScienceandEngineering, BangladeshUniversityofEngineeringandTechnology,Dhaka,Bangladesh,forhisconstant supervision,affectionateguidanceandgreatencouragementandmotivation. Hiskeeninterest on the topic and valuable advices throughout the study was of great help in completing thesis.
We are especially grateful to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) for providing their all out support during the thesis work.
Finally, we would like to thank our families and our course mates for their appreciable assistance, patience and suggestions during the course of our thesis.