Task Management System (TMS) is a web application for small and medium-sized
enterprises which can be used to organize, assign and manage tasks among its employees.
This project has various sub-modules such as commenting on tasks, upload and download
files, task assignment, editing existing and creating new project, task, employee, user etc.
Important benefits of the project are user-friendliness in design which helps the admin and
the user to interact and accomplish various types of tasks online very easily.
It has a very helpful dashboard that displays projects and activities graphically on one screen.
It is simple to find tasks and projects thanks to the search bar at the top. We have used the
Kanban task management method to keep track of the progress of various projects. We have
provisions to create milestones and assign subtasks, thereby tracking task accomplishment in
an organized manner. Other features include granting permission for numerous clients
simultaneously, making your unique notes, creating distinctive invoices, etc.
First and foremost, I want to give thanks and praise to God, the Almighty, for His blessings
that helped me finish the job successfully.
I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Dr. Md.
Shohrab Hossain, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University
of Engineering and Technology (BUET), for providing invaluable guidance throughout this
project. He has inspired me with his vision, integrity, and drive. It was a real honor and
privilege to work under his direction.
I would like to thank the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of the
Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Mirpur-12, Dhaka, Bangladesh for
supporting this project. A special thanks to Dr. Md. Mahabubur Rahman and Lt Col Dr.
Muhammad Narzul Islam for their valuable advice, criticism, and overall support.
I want to express my sincere gratitude to my family and friends for their unwavering support
and patience as I worked on my project.
Last but not least, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who helped me, directly or
indirectly, finish the work.