Local geological information plays an important role in determining the soil parameters
required for designing of foundations. Cone penetration test (CPT) and standard penetration
test (SPT) are the most widely used penetration test methods in investigating subsoil
condition of a site. Though both the methods, in principles, determines the similar soil
parameters and their extent, yet there are marked difference in acquiring the subsoil
information. The CPT is a continuous method of penetration using static loading, while
SPT is a dynamic and intermittent method of investigation. There are many relations
reported by various investigators and they are, however, based on broad qualitative
categories of soil. With these concerns, the present study was mainly aimed at finding the
relations of the soil parameters obtained from both the investigation methods and
engineering soil classes. In total 24 CPT tests were conducted at a site within the proximity
SPT borehole’s locations of radial distances of 6 m. Soil profiles were prepared using both
CPT and SPT data, and similar types of soil were isolated from all the soil profiles for
statistical analysis. If case where no consensus soil profiles were obtained SPT profile was
given preference. Five classes of soil were considered for investigation like sand and silty
sand (SM), silt of low plasticity (ML), silt of high plasticity (MH), clay of low plasticity
(CL) and clay of high plasticity (CH).
The analyses indicated that strong linear correlations existed between field SPT N-value,
and both CPT cone resistance and sleeve friction for non-plastic silty sand (SM). For nonplastic silt (ML), silt of high plasticity (MH) and clay of low plasticity (CL), moderate
linear correlations were obtained. For clay of high plasticity (CH), a moderate linear
correlation was observed between field SPT N-value and CPT cone resistance, however, a
very weak correlation was found between SPT N-value and CPT sleeve friction. For sandy
soil CPT and SPT were found to assess reasonably identical soil profiles. Some deviations
were noticed in identifying finer soil layer like silt and clay.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis supervisor, Dr. Md. Zoynul
Abedin, Professor of Civil Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology, for
his supervising support, helpful discussion, and valuable ideas throughout my master’s
study. Special appreciation must also be extended to Mr. Md. Nurul Amin, Managing
Director, Foundation Consultations Ltd., who expired recently, for his CPT and SPT test
supply data. I am also very grateful to Dr. Tanvir Mustafy, Assistant Professor, Department
of Civil Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology, for his support and help
in statistical analysis.
Acknowledgements are due to Mr. Md. Ashraful Alam, Director General, Housing and
Building Research Institute (HBRI). My sincere appreciation also goes to my Colleague
Dr. Partha Saha, Senior Research Engineer, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Division, HBRI, for his knowledge-sharing discussion in the geotechnical engineering
field. I could not have completed my degree without the support of my family especially of
my wife and sons. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all the other staff
members of the Department of Civil Engineering (MIST) for their support and
encouragement during this Master’s program.