The amount of drag produced significantly depends on shape. This investigation deals with the drag analysis of four different profiles, which are cylinder, sphere, symmetrical aerofoil (NACA 0015) and cambered aerofoil (NACA 4415), objects of same volume. These four different types of objects has been tested at a sub-sonic wind tunnel and experimental data has been obtained at different Reynolds's Number and angle of attack. The two aerofoils (symmetrical NACA 0015 and cambered NACA 4415) have been tested from -3˚ to 21˚ angles of attack with 3˚ steps and the spherical ball and cylindrical shaped profiles have been tested from at 0˚ to 180˚ angles with 10˚ steps at different Reynolds's Number. All the four objects have been tested at 10m/s, 15m/s, 20m/s, 25m/s and 30m/s velocities respectively. The cambered aerofoil has provided the least drag and the spherical ball has provided the maximum drag among all the profiles. At last, some conclusions have been drawn after analyzing the drag of all the profiles at different Reynolds's Number.
This project and thesis paper is one of the greatest additions to our meager
knowledge and experience. We acknowledge the help of the individuals who
contributed to the successful completion of the whole work. We would specially like
to express our most sincere gratitude to our Supervisor Wg Cdr GM Jahangir
Alam, Instructor Class-A, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Military Institute
of Science and Technology. His active assistance in working out a framework for
the paper has helped us to complete the assignment within given time. He advised
and guided us in our work and was always very helpful and magnanimous. Without
his support and continuous encouragement, probably we would not be able to write
an informative and objective report.
We are gratefully acknowledging our deepest gratitude to Captain Anwarul Haque
Chowdhury(E),psc,BN, Head of the Department, and all the respective Faculty
Members of Mechanical Engineering Department of MIST for their extreme
support and encouragement.
We are also thankful to the Mechanical Engineering Department and
Aeronautical Engineering Department of MIST for giving us the scope to work in
the Lab with the machineries and equipment.
We express our heartfelt thanks to Nazmul, Lab Assistant, MIST for helping us to
learn the operation of the Wind Tunnel and machineries used by our own hand. We
are truly grateful for the assistance.
We will remain ever grateful to all of them, who all helped us to complete this
project and writing this thesis paper.