In photovoltaic system energy conversion efficiency is low. Furthermore, during the long
operational period of solar cells, their energy conversion efficiency decreases even more due to
increase in operating cell temperature over a certain limit. One way of improving the efficiency
of photovoltaic system is to maintain a low operating temperature by cooling it down during its
operation period. This study compares the effects of cooling on the performance of
photovoltaic system. Experiments are performed on the solar panel inclined at fixed 23.45 ̊
angle with the horizontal due south without active cooling initially to have a set of reference
performance parameters for comparison. Afterwards, cooling of the solar panel is carried out
by using water at three steps. The three steps include normal water spray on the front surface,
wet woolen material and wet Jute material on the back surface. I-V tests and temperature
tests, for all the cases, are performed for comparative analysis. The results showed that the
cooling of photovoltaic system using water over the front surface and back surface enhances
the performance and gives better output than undisturbed panel.
Starting with the name of Allah, the most beneficent and most merciful, first of all we would
like to thank Almighty God for helping us out in the moment of difficulties and ease which we
encountered during the course of this thesis work. Without His guidance, it would be really
hard for us to complete this thesis work successfully.
Afterwards, we would like to take an opportunity to express our gratitude to for believing in us
and for entrusting us with this thesis work. His constant guidance and willingness to share his
knowledge related to this work enabled us to accomplish the required tasks.
We would also take an opportunity to appreciate all the lab assistants and staffs for helping us
by providing with required equipment to perform the experimentation for this thesis work.
Last but not the least, we are very much thankful to our parents, families and friends who
always motivated and encouraged us to maintain progress in track throughout the duration of
this thesis work.