Promotional SMSs are easy and cost effective tools for the mobile operators to communicate their customers.
Besides the mobile operators and Government, other business houses are also using mobile phones as the
channel to promote their product to the customers. Everyday mobile users are receiving a good number of
promotional SMS. But when the customers are busy professionals, their attitudes regarding promotional SMS
may vary from person to person. This study tries to discover the professionals’ attitude towards promotional
SMSs in their daily work life. The research has been conducted in the perspective of Bangladesh and the sample
size is 500 of Dhaka city. By the term ‘promotional SMS’, the study included commercial SMSs, operators’
offer and government information. The findings of the study show that most of the professionals are disturbed
to have promotional SMSs during the work hour since their work is interrupted for this. The findings also
reveal that the subscribers want more freedom and power to control the nature of promotional SMSs. They
have opinion that the operators should provide provision for a subscriber to control the number, type and time
of promotional SMSs.
Kazi Md Ashif Mostafa[1] and Selin Yasmin[2]
1,2 Military Institute of Science and Technology, Dhaka – 1216, Bangladesh
1 Email : ashifmostafa@yahoo.com
2 Email : selin.yasmin@yahoo.com